Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Facial Hot and Cold Hard Mask for Sale

New Facial Hot and Cold Hard Mask for Sale.

(500gm)Best Value Mask - Up to 17 x usage.

Introducing saloon usage

Hot Hard Mask (500 gm).
Ingredients : Plaster of Paris, Cadum Sulphat, Talc, Kaolin, Magnesium Carbonate, Zine oxide, Imidazolidinye Urea, V.E.

Cold Hard Mask (500gm).

Ingredients : Cadium Sulphat, Talc, Kaolin, Zine Stearate, Zine Oxide, Imidazolidinye Urea, HPX, PVP, Menthol.

  1. Clean the face properly, then put the facial gauze.
  2. Take 30gm of beauty mask, add 100ml of skin lotion or rose water, quickly mix well and apply on the face. Leave the mask 20-30 minutes and remove off.
  3. Remove excess mask, put on specific toner and apply protection cream.
  4. Please prepare the spatula,mini bowl and water beforehand.

Offer Price : S$10.00/Pack
Postage Fee :
Order 1 pack just add S$1.00 for Normal postage .
Order 2 packs and abv Free normal postage .


Anggi said...

Hi,where I can buy this. I've been search it everywhere.. Please kindly email me at anggi.tristan@gmail.com. I really really need your information..thank you

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